Question 1 : Which adjective best describes you ?

¤ : reckless

# : daddy's girl or daddy's boy

§ : dreamer



Question 2 : What did you do if we ask you to eat a Scorpion ?

§ : is it an threatened species ? 

¤ : it's amazing, you eatit with eyes closed

# : there is no way!



Question 3 : You find a bottle with an old message,

# : you don't touch it because it's soiled

§ : you try to date this bottle message

¤ : you try to get to the root of this message



Question 4 : we offer you a free travel to Mexico but we must leave tomorrow,

¤ : you jump at the chance mindlessly

§ : you find out about this splendid city

# : you refuse because you not have time to pack your bags



Question 5  : if you found 10 euros in the street, what would you do with that ?

§ : you would go to a bookshop

# : you would takea cofee at Starbucks

¤ : you would give it to a person who need it 



Question 6  : If you could take only on object with you, what would you choice?

¤ : a box of matches

§ : the map of the city

# : your favorite flavor



Question 7 : What is your favorite movie?

§ : Schindler's List

# : The devil wears prada

¤ : The Lion King



Question 8 : If you could go wherever you want in the time, what period would you like visit?

# : 2050

¤ : time of the dinosaurs

§ : renaissance




Most of ¤ :

You are a really extrem adventurer. You like nature and simple life, you aren't a princess. You don't need superficial things in your life. To travel, a makeshift camp fits you. 


So we suggest you to take a backpack with the minimum necessary and do the most adventurous travel, alone or with friends. 

Most of # :

You are an urban dweller and you don't like nature and animals. The city is your element and you feel like a fish to water. You can't live without comfort. To travel, a big buzy city fits you.


So we suggest you to find a luxury hotel in a very big town. Call the roomservice when you need something, this will make you feel good. 

Most of § :

You have a passion for cultural experiences. You like learn the story of each momunent. History, art and archaeology are your field. To travel, a vestige site fits you.


So we suggest you to take your camera and visit a lot of museums.  Book a guided visit for the morning and a walk in the city for the afternoon.

RAVINEL Mathilde, PEREZ Caroline.